
What is Kennel Cough|Kennel Cough in Dogs|Help Your Dog Get Rid of Kennel Cough

2014-07-11 2 Dailymotion

http://www.stopkennelcough.com . What is kennel cough educates people on what kennel cough is in dogs. It's Important that dog owners know about different illnesses etc in dogs. Kennel cough is usually non-threatening and will run its course.But natural treatments can bring relief to your dog.

What is kennel cough? Or more specifically what is kennel cough in dogs? Kennel cough is an upper respiratory infection in dogs. It is caused by a combination of the canine parainfluenza virus and the bacteria bordetella bronchiseptica.

It is very contagious to other dogs but it is usually not serious or life-threatening. But you should consult your veterinarian. The constant coughing and hacking is definitely not pleasant for your dog. The kennel cough causes irritation and inflammation in the trachea which I'm sure is not very comfortable for your dog.

Sometimes the sound is more scary than the actual kennel cough itself. What is most important to know is that puppies or older dogs whose immune systems are either not developed or are compromised can the more susceptible to kennel cough .

It is very hardly contagious and can spread easily to other dogs. It works the same way cold works in humans. What a human coughs or sneezes the virus is carried in the moisture droplets and infects others. The name kennel cough comes from the fact that a lot of dogs that are kept in kennels a close quarters easily spread to other dogs.

The great news is most of the time kennel cough is not serious and can disappear on its own but you can help your dog deal with the annoying symptoms and help get rid of the kennel cough.

There are natural treatments. A lot of these are common sense kennel cough remedies. Dog kennel cough can be annoying to the a human guardians because of the incessant noise. So when it comes to knowing what is kennel cough you can learn more information on the website below.

When it comes to kennel cough treatment in dogs you have natural ways you can bring relief to your dog. Treatment for kennel cough can be as simple as using a humidifier.There are also natural remedies that are very gentle. In rare cases where kennel cough is severe usually there is a protocol of antibiotics.